Get Involved!
Join Our Effort to Ensure Fair, Open and Accountable Elections throughout the State of Illinois
Yes, We Can! . . . Working together, we can make a difference to help preserve the security and credibility of our Illinois election polling procedures, which are being challenged in recent years in jurisdictions large and small, throughout our state of Illinois – and also the nation at-large.

Protecting the integrity of Illinois elections, and the validity of our verified vote tallies is not a radical idea — in fact, it is a rational, responsible and reasonable one, and a basic principle of any strong, healthy democracy. It recognizes that, when the same electoral problems keep recurring year after year, election after election, in county after county throughout the state . . . then it’s clear that they need repairing!
A total overhaul is not what is needed, just some serious preventive maintenance will do the job by putting solid safeguards in place to monitor polling procedures and keep them performing efficiently and accountably. This is not “rocket science” – it’s simply common sense. And this what the non-partisan IBIP — the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project — is working to accomplish here in Illinois. With your help, we can achieve these goals!
Why Is This So Important Now?
There is a lot at stake here, and time is short! More elections will be coming up soon, and these same, endemic problems will not go away on their own. And while these systemic flaws Apathy is not an answer, and we’ve clearly seen that wishing – without acting- does not work!
With the support of civic-minded citizens like you, IBIP volunteers are reaching out to registered Illinois voters and elected officials to communicate the need for urgent action on these issues, and to advocate for these sensible security standards to be uniformly and fairly applied in all elections held in our state. Here are some ways that you can help . . .
. . . Margaret Mead
What Can You Do? Registration, Participation, Activism and more . . .
Check your voter registration . . .
First and foremost, ensure your right to vote! Before each election, be sure to verify that your voter registration is still active and up-to-date. All details (names or address changes, etc.) must be current. If you have been an inactive voter, or if you recently married or moved – even if it’s just around town or across the street – you will need to update that information. Check with your County Clerk or use this link to verify your voter status:
Volunteer to be an Election Judge or a certified Poll Watcher . . .
If you’d like to take part in the Election Day process, responsible volunteers are always needed for these very important jobs. To learn more or to sign up, you may call your County Clerk’s office for details or contact your local political party to learn more about these opportunities.
Contact Your Elected Officials . . .
Call and/or write to your local election officials and state legislators to explain your concerns about election integrity in Illinois, and to express your support for safeguarding ballot accessibility, accountability and vote-count accuracy in our election operations. Ask them to show their nonpartisan support by endorsing the “best practices” procedures outlined in the proposed HB2555 – the Illinois Ballot Integrity Act – and other election protection initiatives. Your constituent letter, postcard, or phone call can make a visible difference. Each one will be noted, counted, and reported to your legislator as they weigh the decision to offer their support.
Meet, greet, and communicate! Attend town halls, public forums, meet-and-greets, etc. that are held in your home district to explain your concerns and ask officials in-person for their support. Watch for public notices in your local newspapers and social media for dates and details of upcoming events. You can also sign up on each legislator’s official webpage to receive their event announcements.
Share Your Concerns With Your Community . . .
Write a “Letter To The Editor” of your local newspaper – or create an op-ed post on your community blog – for all of their readers to see.
Join in “Volunteer Action” activities hosted by IBIP and other supporters to inform voters about HB2555 and other election integrity initiatives. You can volunteer from home or join with others to address mailings, make phone calls, etc.
Help us spread the word! . . Join in discussions about election integrity topics in current affairs groups, online blogs, and other informal gatherings with people who are interested in protecting and improving our elections.
Join our “Election Integrity Lobby Day” activities! . . .
Including a possible trip to Springfield to visit local legislators in their Capitol offices and encourage their support for HB2555 and election reforms. Date is TBA.
Keep Informed About Ballot Integrity and Fair Election Practices! . . .
We will gladly send you IBIP e-mail updates with the latest news and resources involving Election Integrity issues. We’ll also let you know about upcoming IBIP meetings, special public events and action initiatives that might interest you.
Click here to received our email updates: (Link is temporarily under construction, will be back soon!)
You can also find useful information, links and informative conversations on our “Illinois Ballot Integrity Project” Facebook page. Please “Like” us and join our Facebook friends!